H ere's to health and happiness!
A toast to the Nu Year!
P eace and joy to all of us!
P rosperity and cheer!
Y ears come and go, some bad, some good.
N ew years provide the space,
E ach to fill with what one would,
Windows onto grace.
Y ears come and go, yet still we toast
E ach one, for each one seems
A s though it were a new-found coast,
R ich with hope and dreams.
A toast to the Nu Year!
P eace and joy to all of us!
P rosperity and cheer!
Y ears come and go, some bad, some good.
N ew years provide the space,
E ach to fill with what one would,
Windows onto grace.
Y ears come and go, yet still we toast
E ach one, for each one seems
A s though it were a new-found coast,
R ich with hope and dreams.