"Aku nunggu Gas… nunggu… tapi akhirnya aku sadar 1 hal…
kalo kamu ga sesayang itu sama aku…
buktinya buat ngomong aja kamu ga berani…
brarti kamu ga yakin…
kamu ingin menikmati perasaan itu sendiri…
Egois Gas… Egois namanya…”
(taken from Alexandria's scene)
Hope that explains my silent act of not saying the truth to someone that I like...
Maybe that’s it… My too big ego just defeats it all…
Maybe my ‘like’ level to someone just hasn’t that high to conquer my pride…
But it’s just me…
No matter how modern I’ll become, I’ll still be that conservative girl deep inside…
To me, the man is the one who should make the first move, not me…
But maybe that’ll change… someday maybe… I don't know... but not now…
”Kalo suatu saat, kamu punya rasa sayang sama orang lain, bilang aja ya…
bilang Gas… jangan sampe dia ga tau ada orang luar biasa sayang sama dia…
lu musti tau rasanya dicintai & mencintai orang lain…
gimana rasanya punya inspirasi lu sendiri..”
(taken from Alexandria's scene)
Well, I do have that plan…
To have a family with 3 children, twins if possible…
Believe me… I do want that…
It’s just not my priority right now…
Don’t know in the next years, months or even weeks…
But guys, please… This whole boyfriend and marriage thing, just leave it to me to figure it out for myself…
As much as I appreciate your concerns and help, I really think I need to figure it out myself…
But that doesn’t mean that you can’t introduce me to a man that might come to my attention…
Just give me some space to decide what I wanna do, okay?
kalo kamu ga sesayang itu sama aku…
buktinya buat ngomong aja kamu ga berani…
brarti kamu ga yakin…
kamu ingin menikmati perasaan itu sendiri…
Egois Gas… Egois namanya…”
(taken from Alexandria's scene)
Hope that explains my silent act of not saying the truth to someone that I like...
Maybe that’s it… My too big ego just defeats it all…
Maybe my ‘like’ level to someone just hasn’t that high to conquer my pride…
But it’s just me…
No matter how modern I’ll become, I’ll still be that conservative girl deep inside…
To me, the man is the one who should make the first move, not me…
But maybe that’ll change… someday maybe… I don't know... but not now…
”Kalo suatu saat, kamu punya rasa sayang sama orang lain, bilang aja ya…
bilang Gas… jangan sampe dia ga tau ada orang luar biasa sayang sama dia…
lu musti tau rasanya dicintai & mencintai orang lain…
gimana rasanya punya inspirasi lu sendiri..”
(taken from Alexandria's scene)
Well, I do have that plan…
To have a family with 3 children, twins if possible…
Believe me… I do want that…
It’s just not my priority right now…
Don’t know in the next years, months or even weeks…
But guys, please… This whole boyfriend and marriage thing, just leave it to me to figure it out for myself…
As much as I appreciate your concerns and help, I really think I need to figure it out myself…
But that doesn’t mean that you can’t introduce me to a man that might come to my attention…

Just give me some space to decide what I wanna do, okay?