I wasn't interrested to watch the movie at first...
Coz I had this image that somehow there's gonna be sea monster take part in it...
But than my cousin, Margie told me that it's like Titanic thing...
So I thought, Ok, that's one of my fav movie, why not go seeing it...
Well, to me, it's like just seeing MI3...
There's no thrill as I expected it would be...
I mean, sure the effect was good... especially when the giant tidal wave hits the boat...
But I couldn't find any deep story in the movie...
There's giant wave coming in the middle of nowhere out in the middle of the sea...
While in many review I read, in the old movie back in 1972, Poseidon Adventure, people were told of the earthquake in Greece that trigered the tsunami...
Then the story of the characters also wasn't told enough...
There's Dylan Johns (John Lucas) who is a Navy vet that turns into professional gambler...
An ex NY mayor who once a firefighter, Robert Ramseys (Kurt Russel) that worry too much on his daughter Jennifer (Emmy Rossum)...
But that's about it...

And lots of confusion in the story too...
Why only 9 of them of the entire cruise that struggle to reach the surface to survive...
The scene of the little boy, Connor (Jimmy Bennet) washed away and separated from the group and how Dylan just so happen could saved the boy's life...
All happen just like that...
And just like most of American movie, the hero stays a hero in someway and the 'naughty character' who once a good man turn out to be the real hero of all...

But I guess since I watched it in a right moment, I kinna enjoy it...
It kinna remind me a bit of Daylight, still my fav disaster movie of all time...
Where the heroic side of you just floaded you while seeing it...
So, to me it was an OK movie... I rate it 2 (out of 5)...
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