Postphoned posting
Saw the premiere on 9th Nov 06 i PPHUI Kuningan at 18.00...
Didn't had a clue what the movie was about...
Who were the casts...
Just trying to stick with my 'will' to watch all Indonesian movies except horrors...

The players were Winky Wiryawan (Bima), Dinna Olivia (Tasya) and new comer and also co-writer, Adilla Dimitri (a.k.a Wulan Guritno's boyfriend) as Alit...
The story was about Alit's last day in San Francisco before he haded back to Jakarta for good...
Triangle love between the three of them...
And big tragedy that changed their lives...
Saw the premiere on 9th Nov 06 i PPHUI Kuningan at 18.00...
Didn't had a clue what the movie was about...
Who were the casts...
Just trying to stick with my 'will' to watch all Indonesian movies except horrors...

The players were Winky Wiryawan (Bima), Dinna Olivia (Tasya) and new comer and also co-writer, Adilla Dimitri (a.k.a Wulan Guritno's boyfriend) as Alit...
The story was about Alit's last day in San Francisco before he haded back to Jakarta for good...
Triangle love between the three of them...
And big tragedy that changed their lives...

i guess it' just a matter of taste and whether you are willing to sat in the theater and look closely on how the director put so much attention on symbolizm and alit's journey.i trully loved it.big ups for rinaldy puspoyo
R u sure u're not involve in the film?
Kiddin'... :P
Yeah, I guess the film just isn't my taste...
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Hmm..saya sih no comments aja, walau ' secara nggak sengaja ' ikut nonton film ini...
yang jelas rynaldi puspoyo nust be lucky punya ayah yang Kepala Bulog Indonesia, sehingga nggak terlalu pusing mikirin urusan pendanaan.
Lepas film itu buruk atau bagus, siapapun yang berani membuat film, semestinya dihargai ' keberanian ' nya memberikan kontribusi pada film nasional. Bukankah itu bisa menjadi pembelajaraan, walau harus dihargai milyaran rupiah terbuang percuma.
orang gosipnya rinaldy sampe jual assetnya dia sendiri.,..kasian yah udah capek bikin film msh dicaci maki jg.gmn film indonesia mau maju...dicela mulu.gue betul2 bingung.gw suka bgt loh film ini.ngapain amat bikin film kacangan cmn biar laku doang...tp asli gue mewek am.pe berkali kali..tp sayang sih memang suaranya kurang ya..cuek aje..film keduanya dong...
hi. i havent seen the film (6:30). but i
am so sad and so angry when i read in a
nerwspaper that the film-maker used
corrupted money from the rice import in
indonesia. everybody knows that rice
import in indonesia is SO HARMFUL to
farmers and some of society. i am so
upset with this news.
saya kaget aja klo ternyata kontribusi yg diberikan film ini kepada dunia perfilman indonesia ga sebanding dengan tangis jutaan petani, pengusaha beras lokal, dan masyarakat lain yg menderita akibat kebijakan impor beras.
vegna ekki:)
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