Since early May this year, I got new post in the environment sub-unit...
On 29 March 2007 the Australian Government launched a $200 million Global Initiative on Forests and Climate to advance the global effort to tackle climate change and protect the world's forests...
So it's kinna 'back' to old job and issue..
Why issue?
Coz in my old office I once handled 3 posts at the same time...
Now, it's dejavu...
Since we haven't find someone to replace me in my previous posts, temporary i still help the emergency response & humanitarian and the disaster mitigation sub unit...
On 29 March 2007 the Australian Government launched a $200 million Global Initiative on Forests and Climate to advance the global effort to tackle climate change and protect the world's forests...
So it's kinna 'back' to old job and issue..
Why issue?
Coz in my old office I once handled 3 posts at the same time...
Now, it's dejavu...
Since we haven't find someone to replace me in my previous posts, temporary i still help the emergency response & humanitarian and the disaster mitigation sub unit...

Muffins.. sabar yooo.. pasti ada jalan deh.. ;) atau emang bgitu aja jalannya hihihih.. just kidding.. take things easy yo..
learn how to say NO
and say it with style ;-)
doooooohhhhhhh look who's talking gitu loh.. hehehehehe *ngaca dong cyn*
Hej Rin, selamat yah buat pos barunya. Enjoyyy!!!
Thx all...
Excited sech sebenernya..
Cuman krn blon ada yang cover aja di post yang kemaren..
Tapi ntar mu ada brondong nech yg bantuin..
Qt liat aja nanti ;p
He, ... he, ... Begitulah nasib kita-kita (K.I.T.A?) yang diberi kelebihan oleh ALLAH untuk susah mengucapkan kata 'NO' ya Njil.... Ambil ilmunya aja ...;-)
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