Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Your love is Ur Heart

Your heart is Ur Spouse

Your spouse is Ur Future

Your future is Ur Destiny

Your destiny is Ur Ambition

Your ambition is Ur Aspiration

Your aspiration is Ur Motivation

Your motivation is Ur Belief

Your belief is Ur Peace

Your peace is Ur Target

Your target is Heaven
Heaven is no fun without FRIENDS

Sunday, January 21, 2007


At a time like this, I wish that I had another job...
Always have to stand by 24hr for emergency...
Just like few hours ago...
There's been an equake of 6.5 in north east of Manado...
As usual, I had to seek for updates on casualties etc with IFRC, BMG...
From its size, it's tsunamigenic...
As a result, I barely watched Jomblo the series, one of that I looked forward to every sunday night...
Gosh... Couldn't I get some peace around here?
I mean, I love to help people, really...
I dunno... Guess it's just not good time...
Not in d mood for anything...