Monday, July 23, 2007


Here I am... at my lowest point...
Been trying so hard 2 meet all ur demands...
Been pushing my limits 2 d edge...
Been keeping the word 'NO, I CAN'T DO IT' for myself 2 long..
Yet this is how u give in return??

When I've given u all out...
When I stood still where others have looked for another...
When I thought there's a spark of hope 4 a change...
U let me down so hard...

Guess my imprudence have mislead me...
Been 2 naïve to think I could rely on u...
Been expecting 2 much of ur appreciation...
When u've been taken 2 much of me and so little in return...

U took me to a point where I don't wanna fight back...
It's 2 much deep hole u made...
2 close to devastation...


Blogger cyn said...

hangin there a lit longer dear..

equip yourself and walk again...
any way you choose, it'll the best one given by the L

12:01 AM  
Blogger chubby-gal said...

cmon Honey, we'll hold hands and start to climb again, I know the peak is high, and we're so underground, its gonna be a heavy trip, and a rocky ride too, but hey gal, we're here for you.. we can do it, and miracles are over the place.. believe it will happen, hope, wish and pray.. insyaALLAH happiness its on its way..

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lowest point means that there'll be no other direction in life other than crawling and climbing to the top again.

keep the faith.

7:59 AM  

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